Where are all my setting stored? Where is my config.ini ?

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Where are all my setting stored? Where is my config.ini ?

Post by csterg »

TW stores all user settings (including the module sets -something that might change in the future-) in a single configuration file called config.ini.

The config.ini file that the program uses can be located with the following method:
click on main menu Help->About. In the About dialog, click the File locations tab. Locate the Personal files folder line and click on the '...' button on the right. The config.ini file found in that folder is the one being used.

How to edit:
the config.ini is a simple text file. You can open it with any editor (e.g. notepad, notepad++) etc.
It contains several entries separated in sections. A section is just a part of the file that starts with a name in square brackets (e.g. [general]).
