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Build your own commentary as you study for sermons.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 11:57 pm
by jonathangkoehn
Build your own commentary as you study for sermons.
1. Create a user commentary module
2. Create a new topic with the verses you are covering
3. Now enter your content the Rich View Editor that Costas has in theWORD is excellent!

A. Your verse references inside the content are automatically linked to theWORD Bibles.
B. Your content is now searchable in theWORD book search.
C. You could potentially teach directly from theWORD on a tablet or laptop and then have access directly from your content to its tools
D. Its multilingual tools help in Bilingual sermon prep
E. Potentially you could tag your content with such as {discipleship}{pastoral} wherever you want in your content. Then in book search use exact phrase and search for {discipleship} (If tags like these annoy you but want them set font to like 1)

Re: Build your own commentary as you study for sermons.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 12:17 am
by deeBibletheWord7
Excellent recommendations Jonathan, I will certainly try this.
