Barnes notes, strongs, and strongs-lite errors

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Barnes notes, strongs, and strongs-lite errors

Post by rbhall52 »

In your Barnes notes for Ephesians 2:4, it reads in the first paragraph

But God, who is rich in mercy - On the use of the word “rich” by Paul, see the notes at Eph 1:7. It is a beautiful expression. “God is ‘rich’ in mercy;” overflowing, abundant. Mercy is the riches or the wealth of God. People are often rich in gold, and silver, and diamonds, and they pride themselves in these possessions; but God is “rich in mercy.” In that he abounds and he is so rich in it that he is wilting to impart it to others; so rich that he can make all blessed."

In the last sentence, the word "wilting" should probably be "willing", but I have searched a bit on the internet, and it seems that the error is in the original Barnes notes for this verse. I do not have barnes notes in book form, so I cannot confirm this.

Regarding the error in strongs and strongs-lite for the alternate for the greek word polus, pollos, the transliteration is "polos" and is thus incorrect. Whatever your source is for the strongs and strongs lite dictionaries, myword and e-sword show the same error, so the error is probably with that source, which I think is used on some websites. I have the original concordance, and the transliteration is correct for that greek word in the original concordance.

Keep up the great work you and others are doing with theword for windows. God's blessings to you and yours for His kingdom's sake.
Richard Hall
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Re: Barnes notes, strongs, and strongs-lite errors

Post by JG »

We no longer support the Barnes module. No longer available for download. Not sure of the reason.

Strong's and Strong's lite, not supported and not available for download. We have the Mickelson's Strong's module included as the default Strong's dictionary now.
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