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Paste without formatting

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:12 pm
by craig.carboni
Not sure if this has been requested before?

Add the ability when pasting into a book/module to specify different formatting options for Paste or just an additional options to paste as plain text.
* This is not about coping and pasting bible verses

Microsoft Word has multiply Paste as options
Their one option is "Keep text only"

Google Docs has "Paste", CTRL+V and "Paste without formatting", CTRL+SHIFT+V.

Re: Paste without formatting

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 7:03 am
by CES
I agree with this enhancement request. In addition to "Cntl+V" for paste (which is already in TheWord), having another keyboard shortcut -- or any method really -- of "paste text only" or "paste plain text" or "paste without formatting" -- it's all the same thing, would be most welcome.

Note: I do see in TheWord Keyboard Shortcuts ("" ("shorcuts", not shortcuts, sic) ) two paste options:
CTRL+SHIFT+V Paste back verse text from Clipboard monitor to the clipboard
CTRL+V Paste

The CTRL+V ("Paste") is just the regular (formatted) paste, and I don't think the CTRL+SHIFT+V does what we want (I cannot get it to work for some reason). So, we are looking for a new shortcut that lets us paste, for instance into a "Topic", say from "MS Word" or from a webpage, without bringing in all the formatting as well. Thanks!

Charles S.
Northbrook, IL