Wish: strong-number search synchronization in study view

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Wish: strong-number search synchronization in study view

Post by Stephan »

Hi Costas,

I click on a strongsnumber e.g. "G32"="Aggelos" in the bible view than the study view shows me the expanation of the dictionary e.g. "BDB/Thayer". Now I want to know what "Strongs" say about "G32" so i click on the tab "Strongs" but somehow TW search now not for "G32" but for that strongs-number which is displayed in the search field of the menu bar. In my case there is not "G32" but any other number of a previous search.

I think there should be a synchronization between actual content of the study view and search field. Otherwize I always have to copy the number into the search field before i can switch over to another dictionary.

By the way: In my case I set german as language. But study view options and menu bar are in english while everything in bibleview and search view is in german. Why? Is this a bug?

I also miss the explanation of the icon in the study view menu bar. (In bible view I go with the mouse over the icon and than the explanation is showed. )
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Re: Wish: strong-number search synchronization in study view

Post by csterg »

Forumiker wrote:Hi Costas,

I click on a strongsnumber e.g. "G32"="Aggelos" in the bible view than the study view shows me the expanation of the dictionary e.g. "BDB/Thayer". Now I want to know what "Strongs" say about "G32" so i click on the tab "Strongs" but somehow TW search now not for "G32" but for that strongs-number which is displayed in the search field of the menu bar. In my case there is not "G32" but any other number of a previous search.

I think there should be a synchronization between actual content of the study view and search field. Otherwize I always have to copy the number into the search field before i can switch over to another dictionary.
This is correct; the problem is caused because you (probably) use the 'show original word instead of strong number' option. I fixed the error though and the next beta will behave properly. Thanks for noticing brother.
By the way: In my case I set german as language. But study view options and menu bar are in english while everything in bibleview and search view is in german. Why? Is this a bug?
No. The study view is not finished yet (actually is just a 'preview' of the final study view). This is why it is not transalted and much functionallity is missing.
I also miss the explanation of the icon in the study view menu bar. (In bible view I go with the mouse over the icon and than the explanation is showed. )
This is for the same reason: the study view is just incomplete!

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