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Copy Verses... context menu option

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:04 pm
by Greg J.
An unexpected (to me) behavior:

I am usually using the Compare view for my Bible view (NASB, NIV, ABP), and use the Copy Verses feature frequently after right-clicking on one or a range of selected verses. My default translation is NIV. If the last time I did a Copy Verses I selected the Translation to be NASB, when I enter the Verse Copy Management dialog, it will be set to the default, NIV. It seems to me that it should be the same as last time.


If I switch from the Compare view to the Byz view, do nothing (or do something), then switch back to the Compare view, then until I restart the program, the default in the Verse Copy Management dialog box will be Byz. If I change it, it will be back to Byz the next time I use Copy Verses.