An Interpretive Lexicon of New Testament Greek (Analysis of...) - New!

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An Interpretive Lexicon of New Testament Greek (Analysis of...) - New!

Post by jonathangkoehn »

An Interpretive Lexicon of New Testament Greek (Analysis of Prepositions, Adverbs, Particles, Relative Pronouns and Conjunctions)
To buy this resource: ... ent-greek/

Book Summary
This interpretive lexicon is a Greek language resource that is intended to help students and translators to easily and quickly determine the range of translation possibilities for a wide variety of the smallest and most difficult words in the Greek New Testament to translate

About the Book
Save considerable time in translating and exegesis of the Greek New Testament text.
This Lexicon has a very specific and important purpose: to make the process of New Testament interpretation easier and more accurate by providing a comprehensive yet concise interpretation of Greek words that determine logical relationships between statements or clauses.
These words (prepositions, adverbs, particles, relative pronouns, conjunctions and other connectors) are essential to revealing and supporting the main ideas in the text and are especially useful for interpreting logical arguments, such as those found in the epistles.
While not exhaustive, thisInterpretive Lexiconlists the vast majority of Greek connecting words, especially those that are notorious for being some of the most difficult words to translate.
Features include:
  • Concise definitions for quick analysis.
  • Examples of where the word is found in Scripture.
  • Page references to several major lexical resources for further translation options and nuances.
  • Interpretation of the broader categories of each word (for example: locative (in, among, on), means-end (with, by), grounds (because, on account of), temporal (while, at), and so on.
The interpretive feature of the book--evaluating the word's function in discourse--is tremendously helpful for the exegetical process, allowing the translator to closely follow the logical flow of the text with greater efficiency. ThisInterpretive Lexiconis a valuable handbook for student, pastor, and scholar alike.
theWord Features:
  • Verse popups
  • Abbreviation popups
  • Many internal links
  • Word lookup via right-click-menu
  • Fully searchable text
  • Footnotes
  • Page numbers noted for BDAG (00 and 79)
  • Easy navigation of topics via topics tree display.
  • Special Text Colors
  • Normal: Text
  • Hyperlink: Luke 20:21
  • Greek: χρησις
  • Hebrew: א
  • Page Number: [pg21>

To buy this resource: ... ent-greek/
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