Courageous Faith: Life Lessons from Old Testament Heroes - New Resource!

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Courageous Faith: Life Lessons from Old Testament Heroes - New Resource!

Post by jonathangkoehn »

Courageous Faith: Life Lessons from Old Testament Heroes
Obstacles* Battles* Weakness* Fears*
Learn to face life’s greatest challenges with courageous faith in the power of God.
Faith is the key that unlocks the power of God in our lives. It enables us to live by His promises and experience His blessings in our personal lives. InCOURAGEOUS FAITH, Ed Hindson encourages us to live beyond the normal limits of life and experience the unlimited power of God on a regular basis. based on the lives of the Hebrews heroes of the Old testament, this exciting book challenges us to overcome our barriers, conquer our fears, realize our goals, and start over when we fail. Relive the greatest moments of faith and triumph in the lives of the men of God who dared to believe His promises in their lives.
This practical and powerful study is based on the lives of the Hebrew heroes who dared to believe that God keeps His promises
ABRAHAMThe Journey of FaithSAMSONMaking Them Your Strengths
JACOBHanging Tough in the Tough TimesBOAZEspecially those Who are Different
JOSEPHStarting Over When it All Falls ApartDAVIDConfidence in the Face of Danger
MOSESOvercoming Your PastJONATHANValue of True Loyalty
JOSHUAConquering The OppositionDANIELDeveloping Spiritual Determination
GIDEONOvercoming Your FearsNEHEMIAHLeaving a Legacy You Can Be proud Of
JEPHTHAHEven When it Costs You
theWord Features:
  • Verse popups (Nehemiah 9:1)
  • Fully searchable text
  • Easy navigation of topics via topics tree display.
To buy this resource: ... nt-heroes/
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2 Timothy 2:15 “Make every effort to present yourself before God as a proven worker who does not need to be ashamed, teaching the message of truth accurately.” NET2