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Re: Bugs

Post by mathetes »

jonathangkoehn wrote: Fri Nov 03, 2023 3:42 am This last bug here reported should hopefully be fixed now.
Along with a no <:> existing in book error.
I'm not seeing any change with the file lock error.
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Re: Bugs

Post by jonathangkoehn »

Please try on TTW2.0.4b if it is still there then it is a different issue. It works fine here on 2.0.4b.
I only put in <:>Title with no enter and then go to build and it builds fine no-error.
Jonathan Koehn @ https://www.thewordbooks.com
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Re: Bugs

Post by mathetes »

jonathangkoehn wrote: Fri Nov 03, 2023 9:32 pm Please try on TTW2.0.4b if it is still there then it is a different issue. It works fine here on 2.0.4b.
I only put in <:>Title with no enter and then go to build and it builds fine no-error.
The real issue that I tried to make clear in the post title and my response is that when TtW throws an error, it does not cleanly catch the error and close the output file handle before returning control. The file needs to be manually deleted through Windows and forced to be unlocked. The "List out of bounds" error was just a way that I found to cause TtW to not cleanly catch the error and close its file handles. But yes, I am also still getting the "List out of bounds" error in 2.0.4b with just a <:> And no CRLF afterwards. That is an easy fix, unlocking the file after an error is thrown so that the module can be rebuilt is not as easy.
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Re: Bugs

Post by mathetes »

TtW 2.1.8 ----- Verse Panel, now saves, size, font, color, style in Bible Editor

Select Bible Editor
From menu, select Bible Options, Fonts
Drop down the Color combobox

There is no "Default" option to set the font color by default to the system's Window Text color, to go with the "Auto" Window background color.
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Re: Bugs

Post by mathetes »

TtW 2.2.2 regression

Select Bible Editor and go to Bible Options, Background Color. There is no longer an "Auto" button in the color dialog to have TtW use the system's Window background color.
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Re: Bugs

Post by jonathangkoehn »

Unfortunately the color component had to be changed due to a bug. If I am able to implement a color component with this auto it should be back.
Jonathan Koehn @ https://www.thewordbooks.com
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Re: Bugs

Post by mathetes »

jonathangkoehn wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:08 pm Unfortunately the color component had to be changed due to a bug. If I am able to implement a color component with this auto it should be back.
If it's not possible, would it be possible to have a separate menu item that sets the Background color key in the config.ini file to $1FFFFFFF? From what I can tell, this seems to be the setting for it to use the system's Window background color.
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Re: Bugs

Post by jonathangkoehn »

I've added a submenu Auto
Jonathan Koehn @ https://www.thewordbooks.com
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Re: Bugs

Post by mathetes »

TtW 2.2.3 under Linux/KDE/Wine

In a terminal, execute "wine winecfg".
Under the Desktop Integration tab, select "no theme" in the Theme drop-down box.
Click on Apply and exit.
Start TtW
Enable Book Editor mode.
Under the new Book options menu, select a background color.
Go to the Book Build tab.
Part of the background will be white instead of the selected color.
Go back to the Editor tab.
Part of its background will now also be white instead of the selected color.
Go back to the Book Build tab.
Most of it's background will now be white instead of the selected color.
The Bible Editor mode does not exhibit this problem.

I don't know if this is purely a Wine issue or if there might be some setting that is not being preserved but which is still picked up by Windows.
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Re: Bugs - text colors

Post by mathetes »

The colors in the following places in TtW seem to be hardcoded as black:

In the Book Editor, under the Detect tab, the phrase “File: Please Load or Save Find/Detect Pair File” and under the Swap Characters tab, the phrase “File: Please Load or Save Swap Character(s) Pairs File” are both in black. They should probably be set to use the "3D Objects text" (what the Windows registry calls "ButtonText") color.

In the Bible Editor under the Swap Characters tab, same as above.

In the various help files, there is some text in various spots that is set to black instead of getting the default "Windows text" color. To find these spots, set the "Windows text" color to white and the Windows background to something dark.
Regex Help: "PCRE REGULAR EXPRESSION DETAILS" is set to black. Words/links in blue should be set to use the "Anchor Color" setting in the registry if available.
Regex Options, Book Editor Help, Special Open Help, Book Module Specifications, Bible Editor Help, Bible Module Specifications: Words/links in blue should be set to use the "Anchor Color" setting in the registry if available.
New Special Open Help: "Examples:" (5 times); "|tid= |". Links in blue should be set to use the "Anchor Color" setting in the registry if available.
Regex Editor Help: "Plain Text Search" & "Special note" sections are hardcoded as black. Links in blue should be set to use the "Anchor Color" setting in the registry if available.

The "Anchor Color" setting used to be set by Internet Explorer. I don't know if Microsoft's current Internet browser uses or if it even has a place in its settings to customize that color anymore, but various programs still seem to use that setting.
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Re: Bugs

Post by jonathangkoehn »

The interface colors have been updated at Swap and Detect tab. A few other places were set to Inactive for Config files that are uneditable.

As to Help files these won't be changed. You can edit them on your own system. Go to TotheWord > Help > files. Make sure not to change the names of the files or it will cause errors.
Jonathan Koehn @ https://www.thewordbooks.com
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Re: Bugs

Post by mathetes »

TtW D2.3.4

When using Ctrl-G did go to a line in the Bible text editor, the Enter/Esc keys cannot be used in the dialog window to "click" the OK/Cancel buttons.
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Re: Bugs - non-valid integer error

Post by mathetes »

TtW v. 2.4.1-2.4.3b (works with 2.4.0)

An "is not a valid integer value" error occurs when selecting Background Color from the Book Options menu in the book editor.
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Re: Bugs

Post by jonathangkoehn »

try 2.4.5 just uploaded, we are working with some .lng file issues. Hopefully better.
What can help if you find an error like this is in English.lng try to identify the line and then test it by putting #IGNORE at the front. If it is fixed then please post the line number the problem is on and the version of TotheWord always make sure to update for sure! TotheWord, Changelog, English.lng
Jonathan Koehn @ https://www.thewordbooks.com
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2 Timothy 2:15 “Make every effort to present yourself before God as a proven worker who does not need to be ashamed, teaching the message of truth accurately.” NET2
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Re: Bugs

Post by mathetes »

The integer value error still happens in 2.4.5b. There is also now a "Error sending data" message when starting the program. Also when the program first starts it displays both the book build and Bible build tabs and none of the menu items under the Editor Mode menu are checked.
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